
5th June 2023
What does engineering an F1 car teach us about designing an endurance racer?


Here at DEXET Technologies, our core principles are from Formula One and high-performance motorsport engineering. With our team’s experience and expertise in these areas, we’ve learned to apply our design and development principles to a variety of other automotive projects. Today, we look at how the processes and principles behind the pinnacle of motor racing – F1 – can be translated to other areas of motorsport and the automotive industry.

We consider Formula One to be the backbone of our work ethic and philosophy as an engineering consultancy. Some of our experiences in the field include F1 project management i.e. how to effectively mitigate the high-intensity, high-pressure environment of F1, while delivering advanced and well-thought-out engineering solutions. The incredibly strict schedules for F1 teams include adhering to FIA regulations, as the managing authority often introduces new rules and restrictions across the grid. Ensuring components achieve their product lifecycle is also imperative. Everything from internal power unit components to external aerodynamic composite packages, must be able to last the length of a race and a full season. Teams also strive for ultimate performance using high performance materials such as composites, achieving optimum product performance from highly-stressed and ultra-safe carbon monocoques, to ultra-light sculpted composite bodywork.

Having worked in the fast-paced environment of Formula One, our team is able to push the boundaries in design and deliver products which stay ahead of the competition. The same engineering principles ingrained in Formula One can be applied to endurance motorsport as well, especially with the Le Mans Hypercar series. Whilst the timeframes are longer than those in F1, the drive to reach maximum performance through weight-saving efforts, powertrain research and chassis development, and FIA regulations, all correlate to a similar high-performing, ‘right first time’ approach. With proven experience working as a technical partner, we have successfully provided impartial, third-party views to help realise objectives and to assist in problem-solving within high-performance engineering projects.

In fact, here at DEXET Technologies we are now working in collaboration with a manufacturer developing a new Le Mans Hypercar platform, for the 2024 endurance racing season. Using our combined and cumulative experience in Formula One, we are currently in the process of developing key engineering solutions to an F1 timeframe. For more information on how DEXET can support ambitious engineering projects, please send us an email

Francesco and the team at DEXET Technologies

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